Snoozing on my knee


At the risk of blogging over-exposure, I just needed an excuse to get in these two pics of AJ having just arrived home. As you can see, she is delighted to be back and looking none the worse for wear. Well it has been a good four days since she was being chopped open and running on a full heart and lung bypass machine. She really is as hard as nails, my girl.
So I am sitting on the sofa with sunlight flooding in, AJ snoozing on my knee, just where I like her most. After all the stress and worries, this is the best feeling imaginable.
Total respect for Fo. I think it is only because she exudes competence and confidence that medical staff think that we can cope at home. She is the one who makes it all happen, I am better doing the snuggling on the sofa (a job that needs doing!)
Next up, downstairs extension to make AJ’s new bedroom, all fully fitted.
Hopefully things will settle down a bit over next few days, so I can stop overfilling your inboxes and give the blogosphere a rest… well, maybe I will need to get a rant off my chest but right now, am feeling too contented.


6 thoughts on “Snoozing on my knee

  1. It’s wonderful seeing such delightful photos of AJ looking so smiley (and grown up!). Give her a bit of an extra cuddle from me.

    Love to you all

    Lucy Cassels

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  2. Absolutely fantastic news – great to see the pictures of AJ looking so well and so soon after the op. Best wishes to you all. Rick Towers

    Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 16:01:28 +0000 To:

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